Two Lovers and a Bear

Set in a small town near the North Pole where roads lead to nowhere, the story follows Roman (DeHaan) and Lucy (Maslany), two burning souls who come...

Starring: Dane DeHaan, Tatiana Maslany, Gordon Pinsent, John Ralston, Joel Gagne, Jeffrey R. Smith, Joseph Nakogee, Ash Catherwood, Johnny Issaluk, Chip Chuipka, Donno Mitoma, Yvonne E. Davidson, Phoenix Wilson, Jennifer Soucie, Justin Edward Seale
Genre: Drama, Romance
Countries: Canada
Directors: Kim Nguyen
Release Date: December 16, 2016
Runtime: 1h 36min
IMDb Rating: Two Lovers and a Bear (2016) on IMDb

3.00/5 - (4 Votes)

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