
Set in in the 1920s, the story revolves around the three generations of a family facing the consequences when they build a temple for the first-born...

Starring: Sohum Shah, Jyoti Malshe, Anita Date, Ronjini Chakraborty, Deepak Damle, Cameron Anderson, Dhundiraj Prabhakar Jogalekar, Madhav Hari Joshi, Piyush Kaushik, Harish Khanna, Anika Radhakrishnan, Arohi Radhakrishnan, Mohd Samad, Rudra Soni
Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller
Countries: India, Sweden
Directors: Rahi Anil Barve, Anand Gandhi, 1 more credit
Release Date: October 12, 2018
Runtime: 1h 44min
IMDb Rating: Tumbbad (2018) on IMDb

3.55/5 - (20 Votes)

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